Make a Payment
We make it simple to manage your account and pay your bill online. Follow the steps below to access your statement and settle your account.
Pay Your Facility/Provider Bill
To view and pay your bill, select your facility below. If you're a new user, register with the enrollment number on your most recent statement.
- Animas Surgical Hospital: 970-335-9026
- Animas Internal Medicine: 970-335-9026
- Animas Urgent Care: 970-335-9026
- Animas Surgical Center at Escalante: 970-335-9088
- Southwest Endoscopy Center: 970-335-9075
Pay Your Anesthesia Bill
If you received anesthesia or sedation during your visit, you will receive a separate bill for anesthesia services.
- Animas Surgical Hospital (Animas Physician Network): 970-335-9075
- Animas Surgical Center at Escalante (Animas Physician Network): 970-335-9075
- Southwest Endoscopy Center (Animas Anesthesia Associates): 970-335-9075
For Further Assistance
If you have any questions about your bill, please call the phone number associated with your facility or service.
"Your professional performance, compassion and attention to detail are outstanding." ~Durango patient